Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Couple's Crafting

Last summer the husband and I embarked on a dangerous adventure.

Couple's crafting.

Uh oh.

He not only endured but was super gracious. This puppy took quite a few steps.

He sweetly followed me as I circled every single booth at the antique fair in search of a salvaged window frame. Twice. He steered me through Home Depot to get a piece of press board cut to the right size. He held his breath as we glued to cork tiles to the press board. (I don't know why, but those cork tiles stank! Finally after a few days on the wall the smell faded. Or we lost some olfactory sensitivity. Who knows?)

The most difficult part of this voyage into couple's crafting was hanging the two pieces -- the window frame and the cork board behind it. After wrestling through our first experience with picture frame eye hooks and wires, and once again holding our breath, the window frame and cork board were on the wall. And they were (mostly) straight!

And then to picking out all the goodies to hang in the "panes." I chose lots of photos, postcards, ticket stubs, invitations. Even Matt's old, dried boutonniere from our wedding. It's all held together with gold flat thumb tacks.

Right now this window frame is the ONLY finished thing in our new place. It makes it feel like we are well on our way in creating the details of our home.

(Thanks for hanging in there, baby! I'll definitely watch some guy movies later to help restore any sense of masculinity lost during the ordeal.)


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