Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2 Years of Love!

Two years ago today was the best day of my life. On February 8, 2009, I became a wife. And every day since I am so proud and so grateful to call this man my husband. He makes me laugh everyday. He cooks an amazing Saturday morning oatmeal. He is incredibly awake and happy before 6 AM. He can fix and find all the things that I break or lose. He can almost snowboard faster than me. He challenges me to be smarter and braver. And he loves me fiercely.
 I love you, husband. Happy anniversary!!

Photo credit: The amazing and talented Tyler Jones.


  1. i love that he "loves you fiercely" while challenging you still!! Happy anniversary Carolyn dear!! Tell Matt too :-D Im so glad he found you;)

  2. i've had some of that amazing oatmeal you speak of to vouch for how tasty it is!

    also, does matt contest that you are a faster boarder than he??? seems like a challenge to me...

    happy anniversary!
