Monday, February 28, 2011


As much as we adore the new house, we also have little twinges of missing the old apartment. I miss having everything carefully curated and hung on the walls. I miss hearing baby Isaiah laugh when our backdoor was open. I miss having the office space open up to the living room. I miss popping over to see how Wes and Erin are doing.

And I miss this:

Husband bought me that birdcage decal a few Christmases back. I think he might have had an assist from my stylish little sister. Isn't it sweet? However, it was too delicate to survive getting peeled off the cabinets. So, we gifted it to the tenant that followed us.

Also, check out the sweet spice rack the husband crafted. It's a metal push-pin board from the Container Store and little magnetic spice tins from Cost Plus World Market. I had lettered the little flags that label the spices. But, alas, that is one more thing that doesn't quite have a place in our new house.

I suppose that moving on is really about letting go...

1 comment:

  1. i miss that, too! perhaps there is a wall or special spot (mirror??) that can house a new one in your new house?
